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Rules of Netball

Equal opportunity, fair play and respect for an opponent’s skill and safety.

Those are the core values that the Rules of Netball are based on. To respect these values, it is the responsibility of:


  • Players to make sure they are physically and technically prepared to play the game, comply with the rules and take part safely and fairly


  • Coaches or teachers of the game to make sure that players are prepared in way that complies with the rules, as well as having an understanding of sporting behaviour and safe practices


  • Umpires to apply the rules of the game with impartiality, fairness and consistency


  • Controlling bodies, at all levels, to make sure the game is conducted and developed in accordance with disciplined and sporting behaviour.

What’s new in the Rules of Netball

The International Netball Federation introduced a new edition of the Rules of Netball in August 2015, which applies to international matches, and all affiliated competitions and events in Australia.


In July 2017, there were some small changes made based on feedback from member countries to provide further clarity around aspects of the Rules that were uncertain in practice. 

INF Netball Rules Book *Please note that this version is strictly for non-commercial use and not for re-print or sale.  The copyright and intellectual property rights for the Rules of Netball are owned by INF.


Match Protocol for Umpires

New Rules FAQ (2018)


Amendments to the new Rules of Netball


Click here to view Netball Australia's series of informative and instructional videos explaining the new rules.

Rules of Netball: Text
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