Netball ACT registration ensures that clubs, players, Maddies and Tuggeranong Netball Association are legally protected and have personal accident insurance. As such, registration is COMPULSORY for all players, umpires and coaches each year and applies prior to the first time you take the court each year.
Regardless of whether you have paid your Netball ACT membership with another club or association, EVERY player must register with Tuggeranong Netball Association each year. This ensures that you will appear on your Maddies list.
If you have not registered, you will have no insurance cover and will be deemed to be an unregistered player and will not be allowed to take the court.
2021 Registration Instructions
We would like to welcome you to Maddies Netball Club and the My Club Registration process for the 2021 year.
All registrations need to be completed online and fees paid at the time of registration, prior to 31st March 2021.
There have been a few changes made by Netball Australia to the registration process so please be aware that you cannot use this process to register without paying at the time of registration.
Please read this instruction carefully. If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Important Information
If you intend to apply for assistance with payment from an outside agency such as Barnardos Canberra, please contact us for assistance before registering.
· Please register in the correct competition.
Last year a few people registered in Net Set Go and were not in Years 2, 3, or 4. If you do this this year, Netball Australia will not be able to refund your fees, so please ensure you register in the correct competition.
Inters Players in Year 10
In 2021, TNA are trialing Inters player in Year 10 who wish to only play in the seniors competition, they may get an exemption from the Inters competition.
If you are in Year 10 and don’t wish to play in the Inters competition, please register as a Maddies Senior Players under 18. If you are in Year 10 and wish to play both Inters and Seniors competitions, please register as a Maddies Inters only and on your registration form please fill in the section in regards to playing a second game in seniors. Only Register once.
Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 Competitionplease contact us directly
Once you are on this page, please click the GET STARTED button at the bottom of the page and follow instructions as below.
To log in insert the USER ID – This may be your ID number however, for some people this will be your email address.
Enter your PASSWORD.
Note: If in your family, there are multiple players/members, select which player/member you wish to register and hit CONTINUE.
Choose the registration product:
· NSG SET, Skills/Competition - Year 2 and Year 3 players
· NSG GO Competition– Year 4 players
Select Uniform Items - Also select your uniform items if any are needed. There are no sizes as you will need to come to the Uniform Fitting Night (Date: TBA) to try them on.
Proceed to fill in the form and make payment at the end.
Years 5 & 6 and Inters & Seniors Competitions
Contact us directly
Select REGISTRATION TYPE - Select the registration you need from the drop down box under welcome.
To log in insert the USER ID – This may be your ID number however, for some people this will be your email address.
Enter your PASSWORD.
Note: If in your family, there are multiple players/members, select which player/member you wish to register and hit CONTINUE
Choose the registration product:
· Maddies Senior – for any player over the age of 18
· Maddies Senior Players under 18 – for all players playing seniors who are not 18 years old
· Maddies Inters – Players from Years 7 to 10
· Maddies Junior – Years 5 and 6 players
· Life Member Players – Players who are Maddies Life Members
Playing a Second Game
If you are already registered as a Maddies Junior Player (e.g. Years 5 & 6) and want to play a second game in a higher age group, please fill in the question on the registration form to indicate this. If there is positions available in older teams you will be notified.
Do not register a second time.
If you are already registered as a Maddies Inters Player and you want to register for a second game for Maddies Seniors, you must register as a Maddies Inters Player, and please fill in the question on the registration form to indicate that you wish to play in a senior’s team as well. Don’t register a second time.
If you play for your school team in the junior competition and want to play a second game for Maddies in a higher competition - you must register as a junior player with your school first. Contact us for further information or to register an expression of interest to play with our club.
Select Uniform Items
Also select your uniform items if any are needed. There are no sizes as you will need to come to the Uniform Fitting Night (Date: TBA) to try them on.
Proceed to fill in the form and make payment at the end.
Alternative Method of Registration
You can google Netball Australia, click Get Involved, then click Play Netball, then click My Netball.
Under Find a Club type Maddies or 2905 as the postcode and in the list of clubs you will find Tuggeranong Netball Association.
Click the green register button and the Maddies registration page should appear.
Contact us if you have any issues.
First Time Participant (only for those players that have not played netball before anywhere in Australia)
Click Don’t have a login ID
Type in your details. If your name appears, click Forgotten Password, this will email your password to the email address you have on file. You should receive this almost straight away then you can follow the registration process. If you do not receive the email, please contact for assistance.
If you are new and you are not found on the system, click Create New Record
Note: Please do not create new record if you know you have been registered before. Contact Maddies or TNA to find out why you are not showing up: Contact us or
Choose the registration product:
· Maddies Senior – for any player over the age of 18
· Maddies Senior Players under 18 – for all players playing seniors who are not 18 years old
· Maddies Inters – Players from Years 7 to 10
· Maddies Junior – Years 5 and 6 players
· Life Member Players – Players who are Maddies Life Members
· NSG SET, Skills/Competition - Year 2 and Year 3 players
· NSG GO Competition– Year 4 players
Fill in the registration form and click on NEXT
Select Uniform Items
Select your uniform items if any are needed. There are no sizes as you will need to come to the Uniform Fitting Night (Date: TBA) to try them on.
Proceed to fill in the form and make payment at the end.