Coaching and training at Maddies will be a key focal area for 2020.
Maddies Netball Club provides umpires each Saturday for Junior year 2 and year 3 teams and all Intermediate and Senior teams.
Where available, badged umpires will be allocated for Div 1 games in the Senior and Intermediate grades. This depends on the availability of qualified umpires and the number of teams in Division 1 Inters and Seniors.
TNA provides Umpire Information sessions throughout the season. The TNA Umpires Coordinator allocates umpires from a pool of Junior Rep players from Under 12's to U 15's each Saturday to umpire Grades 4, 5 and 6 in the Junior Competition.
The Maddies Umpires Coordinator allocates umpires to all Maddies teams participating in the Inters and Senior competitions.
Our umpires are paid for each game during the season on a scale set by the committee and is dependent on experience and qualifications.
Becoming an umpire is easy; a Level One umpires course is available on line as a cost of $25 which Maddies will reimburse if you complete the course and present the club with your certificate. This course can be found on the Netball ACT website.
At Maddies we mentor our umpires regardless of age and our umpires are strongly encouraged to sit the on-line theory exam, which can be accessed from the Netball Australia Website. This exam along with an assessed, low pressure practical umpiring session or game will get you to a National C Badge qualification.
If you wish to be a Maddies Umpire for the winter competition, require further information or support or information on how to developm your umpiring skills, please contact email us.

Interested in Coaching?
Register your interest here
Please let us know if you are interested in coaching one of our Maddies teams.